Order is open

Production time is 3-6 months.



The body material is high quality polyurethane with UV protection.

Hands and feet

Hands and feet are attached with strong magnets, which make it easy to change the doll.


The eyes are inserted, hand-made to order. You can choose a color.


The doll's proportions are life-like and a sculpture, almost all hinges are inscribed without gaps and crevices for elastic bands.


Skintone collection

Gideon Valkyrie


Basic set
Blank doll: £ 800-970 (Depends on skin tone)
Assembled, glued doll without make-up or body blush
Height on flat feet 43 cm.
Skin tone: 8 options to choose from
Faceplates 2 options to choose from
Material: polyurethane manufactured in the US, with UV protection.
A pair of eyes 8 mm. Please choose the eye number from the palette.
Packaging, documentation
Average production time 4-6 months.

Prepayment is fixed at 50% of the total cost. Second half of the payment is required once the doll is ready to be shipped.
There is an option to pay by instalments within six months.
Delivery worldwide is by Russian Post service, charged separately.

Payment is by PayPal; the invoice will be sent by email after placing the order. Payment term is 3 days.